Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 4

Today in the clinic, we had about the same amount of people yesterday. Fan Fan got all the Haitians to sing a beautiful hymn before it started. The baby named junior with the scabies infection looks much better today, he was much more alert. Sally was attempting to pull her first tooth and made a man pass out from her stunning beauty. He was administered an IV and was well cared for, and Kanyon decided to wait until tomorrow to pull the tooth. Kanyon also gave a root canal! Poor woman had to get dissolvable stitches. Towards the end, a few of the girls played with the children outside of the clinic and blew bubbles and handed out silly bands and balloons. All in all, it was a great, productive day. We saw God using us as tools to help the Haitians and make them feel better.
The construction team had a long day of sanding the walls for the orphanage Hope 2. Most of the walls are ready for us to start painting tomorrow. The woodworking team- Greg, John Stinson, and John Benson, Johnny Thomas- worked all day and night on the cabinets for the kitchen.
After work we walked down to Fan Fan's school, and he gave us a tour of their new 2nd floor construction and new property.  He told us all about how he got started and about his plans for the school's future.
After dinner, Tobi and Tim came over and told us about their fascinating path that landed them in Haiti.  

sanding the walls of hope 2

1 comment:

  1. tuesday eve is tired time, yes?

    Ferdie and I had coffee this morning, your ears must have been burning big time! We both are grieving - and joyful, tired and elated. Sort of like stopping by the tin shop tomorrow so Court can buy contraband <3<3<3

    I'll be away from computer tomorrow and thursday. I can't wait to hear your tales on Friday. much love to all.......
